Great care is taken to ensure that garments are correctly labelled and packed in-line with customer specifications.
We also have facilities to print individual customer barcodes in-house, speeding up delivery lead times.
Great care is taken to ensure that garments are correctly labelled and packed in-line with customer specifications.
We also have facilities to print individual customer barcodes in-house, speeding up delivery lead times.
Quality is checked at each stage of production against approved sealed samples to ensure that production garments leave the factory to the highest standards and in-line with our customer’s very individual and strict production standards.
Our dedicated Production Managers are assigned to specific customers only, (dependant on order frequency and complexity of needs) ensuring that orders run smoothly and to the Manufacturing Critical Path.
From humble beginnings in 2003 we have grown to a well-known name within the textile industry, our current production capacity is 200,000 garments per month (dependent upon design) and our goal in sight is to increase to an impressive quantity of 400,000 garments per month.
We have highly trained sample and production cutters, using the most advanced plotting, nesting and cutting technology to ensure the most efficient fabric usage. Safety is paramount so all our cutters wear the correct protective clothing at all times in line with the most up-to-date UK safety practices.
We are well known for our vast range of all-over digital and paper prints sourced from local suppliers. We also offer rotary printing from local print houses, as well as working with screen printers who specialise in the latest print and laser cutting techniques.
Fashion Point (U.K) Limited only work with the best and most reliable high quality fabric, trim and embellishment suppliers who import the hottest fabrics from around the world and also knit fabrics right here in Leicester.
Our team of knowledgeable sample machinists will work with the design and pattern cutting teams to ensure all samples are made quickly, with an emphasis on efficient, commercial garment production.
We have dedicated concept pattern cutters, ensuring that samples are created faster than our competitors.
Sealers/Graders, offering years of experience in High Street ladies jerseywear, work with our customer’s technical teams to see the sample through the fitting and grade approval process. They also ensure that all sealed samples are in-line with individual customer requirements, quality and safety standards. Along with core sizes, they are also highly accomplished in petite, tall, plus and maternity fitting and grading.
Our highly qualified design team works closely with our customers to ensure that the delicate balance between creativity and commercialism is met, creating trend-led, profitable designs.